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【amadai】What is amadai in sushi?甘鯛


What is amadai in sushi?甘鯛


This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi amadai.

How to call amadai

【amadai】tilefish アマダイ 甘鯛

Amadai is a member of the sea bass family, and there are three types of edible tilefish on the market: white tilefish, red tilefish, and yellow tilefish. Amadai often refers to the “red tilefish” commonly called in the Kanto region.

Amadai is called Okitsudai” in Shizuoka Prefecture, and it is said that this name came from the fact that Tokugawa Ieyasu was presented with it by his maid at the time, Okitsu. In Osaka, it is calledGujiya Kuzuna” and in Hong Kong, it is called “Matau” in Cantonese.

The peak season for amadai


Amadai (tilefish) are caught and sold throughout the year, but their best season varies depending on the region and type.

Red tilefish: Red tilefish are in season from summer to autumn. Since the spawning season is from September to December, it is said that the most delicious time is from summer to autumn, when they have plenty of nutrients in preparation for spawning. Additionally, in Fukui Prefecture, which is famous for Wakasa Kuji, the season is from August to October.

White tilefish: The season for white tilefish is from autumn to winter. The spawning season is from December to May, from winter to spring, so it can be said that the season is from autumn to winter when the fat is high.

However, there are various theories about the best season for sweet sea bream, so it is difficult to make a general statement. For example, in some production areas from San’in to Hokuriku, summer is considered the best season. Also, if you can get fresh sweet sea bream, please try it as sashimi. You can enjoy the delicate and soft texture of sweet sea bream.

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