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【sayori】What is sayori in sushi?細魚


What is sayori in sushi?細魚


This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi sayori.

How to call sayori

【sayori】halfbeak サヨリ 細魚

As the Japanese kanji for halfbeak indicates, it looks exactly like a “slender fish.” Its body is long and slender, making it easily recognizable, making it relatively easy to compare with other fish. Another name for this fish is hanami fish,” as it is recognized as a fish that is in season in spring in Ishikawa Prefecture. In addition, it is known by various names such asShimazaira” in Mie Prefecture, Susu” in Wakayama Prefecture,Silo” in Osaka Prefecture, and “Kuchinaga” in Iwate Prefecture.

The peak season for sayori


The season for halfbeaks varies depending on the region, but generally it is from fall/winter to spring. Specifically, it lasts about six months from around November to around May. In particular, in spring, the flavor and fat increases, making it the best season to eat raw.

Halfbeaks can be caught at various times throughout the country, but below is a brief summary of the best seasons in the main production areas where they are caught in large quantities.

Chiba Prefecture: November to March
Ibaraki Prefecture: January to March
Ishikawa Prefecture: March to May

Based on this information, please enjoy fresh and delicious halfbeaks when they are in season. By knowing when halfbeaks are in season, you can enjoy their deliciousness even more.


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