GINZA HIMUKA Located on the 11th floor of the iconic Tokyu Ginza Plaza building, Ginza Himuka serves rare Japanese “Ozaki” beef. The delicious beef comes from cattle raised by Muneharu Ozaki in Miyazaki Prefecture, and it is well-known for its marbling that gives it a delicious and rich flavor. Boasting a chic and polished wood interior, the roomy space offers perfectly sized tables to ensure diner comfort, while window seats offer excellent views of the city skyline. At Ginza Himuka, all cuts are expertly selected to ensure top-quality flavor, texture and freshness, ready to be grilled as soon as they arrive at the table. Various cuts range from "shimofuri" (marbled beef), "akami" (lean beef), "karubi" (short rib) and more for diners' enjoyment. For those looking for a more intimate atmosphere, there are semi-private and private rooms for two to 12 people. We Ginza Himuka also accepts all major credit cards. 尾崎牛焼肉 銀座 ひむか 【幻の尾崎牛専門店】生肉や肉寿司も◎銀座の一等地で、大人の上質焼肉を。個室や夜景が見えるカウンター席あり 一頭一頭手塩にかけて育てられた、ひと月に20頭しか出荷されない希少な#尾崎牛 一頭買いできる強みを生かし、すべての部位を多彩な料理でご提供。生食用牛肉取扱認可を取得しており、新鮮な尾崎牛をユッケや肉寿司でもお楽しみ頂けます。 銀座駅直結、店内は和モダンの上質な空間で、個室や夜景の見えるカウンター席も。無煙ロースター完備で会食や接待にも最適です 【Open Hours】 LUNCH 11:00~15:00(14:00L.O.) DINNER 17:00~22:00(21:00L.O.) 尾崎牛焼肉 銀座 ひむか GINZA HIMUKA 東京都中央区銀座5-2-1 東急プラザ銀座11F 5-2-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 We are looking forward to seeing you Click here for details ↓↓↓ ginzahimuka 03-6264-5255 #尾崎牛 #焼肉 #ひむか #ginzahimuka #銀座ひむか