Sushi restaurant in Gifu [SUSHILIVE comment]
Store Name | Kurimitsu |
Phone Number | 058-389-3778 |
Address | 2-15-3, Sobara Noguchi-cho, Kakamigahara-shi, Gifu, Japan View Larger MapFind a store in the area This store has moved from 3-23, Sobara Yoshishinmachi, Kakamigahara-shi, Japan. *Information before relocation is different from the latest. View store information before relocation |
Access | |
Parking | 有 |
Business Hours | Open on Sunday Closed on Wednesdays Please check with the store before visiting as regular holidays are subject to change. |
Regular Holiday | Wednesday Please check with the store before visiting, as the schedule is subject to change. |
Official Website | |
Review Score | 3.11 points |
Number of Reviews | 6 numbers |