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sushi Kwong Wah


「”sushi Kwong Wah”」Information/access

Store Name sushi Kwong Wah
Phone Number 028-689-8741
Address Hotel Mystays 3F, 2-4-1 Higashishukugo, Utsunomiya-shi, TochigiPref View Larger MapSearch for stores in the area This store has moved from 4-1-20 Midori-cho, Mibu-cho, Shimotsuga-gun. *Information before relocation is different from the latest. View store information before relocation
Parking Yes Hotel 3D available for lunch time only. Conditions of use! Overall length is less than 4750mm, overall width is less than 1850mm, height is less than 1600mm, and weight is less than 1600kg.
Business Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

17:30 – 22:30
L.O. 21:45 for food


11:30 – 14:00
L.O. Food 13:30

17:30 – 22:30
L.O. Food 21:45

Friday, Saturday

11:30 – 14:00
L.O. for food 13:30

17:30 – 23:00
L.O. Food 22:15

day (of the month)

Regular holiday

Closed on Sundays. Other irregular holidays. If you do not have a reservation, please call to confirm availability before coming to the restaurant.

Regular Holiday regular closing day

Closed on Sundays. Other irregular holidays. If you do not have a reservation, please call to confirm availability before coming to the restaurant.

Official Website
Review Score 3.1 points
Number of Reviews 3 numbers