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Sushi Night Yagisawa

「”Sushi Night Yagisawa”」Information/access

Store Name Sushi Night Yagisawa
Phone Number 050-5592-7365
Address Inoue Building 1F, 6-6 Eno-cho, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi View Larger MapSearch for stores in the area This store has moved from 6-6 Eno-cho, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi. *Information before relocation is different from the latest. View store information before relocation
Business Hours Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

18:00 – 06:00
L.O.: Food 05:00, Drinks 05:30

water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water)

18:00 – 06:00
L.O. 05:30

Sundays & Holidays

18:00 – 00:00
L.O. Food 23:00, Drinks 23:30


Regular holiday

The service will end when we run out of rice and fish. We will be open on Mondays when reservations are made.

Regular Holiday regular closing day

The service will end when we run out of rice and fish. We will be open on Mondays when reservations are made.

Official Website
Review Score 3.07 points
Number of Reviews 1 numbers