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Sushi restaurant in Kyoto [SUSHILIVE comment]


Store Name Nagomi
Phone Number 0774-65-5180
Address 2-2-3 Yamate Minami, Kyotanabe City, Kyoto, Japan Osaki Bldg. 3F View Larger MapSearch for other stores in the area
Parking Yes, 1 space on the ground floor of the store, 2 spaces at No. 6 and No. 13 behind Kyoto Bank, and other coin-operated parking spaces near the store.
Business Hours [Lunch 11:30-14:00(L.O.13:30)Dinner 17:00-22:00(L.O.21:30)*Close at 21:00(L.O.20:30) in the evening during the period of shortened hours request.
Closed on
Please check with the store before visiting as the regular closing days are subject to change.
Regular Holiday Sundays
Please check with the store before visiting, as the schedule is subject to change.
Official Website
Review Score 3.2 points
Number of Reviews 17 numbers
