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Esaka Main Store

Banquets of 2.5 hours or longer possible, celebrations and surprises possible (birthday plates), sommelier available

「”Esaka Main Store”」Information/access

Store Name Esaka Main Store
Phone Number 080-6170-0056
Address Koshin Building 8F-B, 9-15 Toyotsu-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka View Larger MapFind a restaurant in the area
Parking Yes, coin-operated parking available nearby
Business Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

15:00 – 01:00
L.O. 00:30

Friday and the day before national holidays

15:00 – 03:00
L.O. 02:30

the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens)

12:00 – 03:00
L.O. 02:30

Sundays & Holidays

12:00 – 23:00
L.O. 22:30

You can call us anytime during the year for reservations.

Regular Holiday
Official Website
Review Score 3.01 points
Number of Reviews 3 numbers