LA We Stand! We extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected by the recent wildfires. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the courageous first responders who have worked tirelessly on the front lines, as well as to everyone who has dedicated their efforts to supporting the Los Angeles community during this challenging time. As chefs and restaurant owners, our mission is to bring people together through exceptional cuisine and hospitality. However, in times of adversity, we believe it is our responsibility to do more. In an effort to support our community, we have come together to create and sell a limited-edition T-shirt, with all proceeds donated to wildfire relief efforts. The Japanese Chefs Unite T-shirts are available for $35 each in limited quantities at participating restaurants. We would be truly grateful if you could pick one up when you visit any of the participating restaurants. All proceeds will be donated to the LA Fire Department Foundation to assist in their critical work. Beyond this initiative, we remain committed to fostering a stronger, more connected LA—one that continues to celebrate its rich culinary culture and the incredible spirit of its people. We sincerely appreciate your support in helping us make a difference. LA we stand! このたびの山火事により被災された皆様に心よりお見舞いを申し上げます。また最前線で消火活動に尽力された方々、そしてLAのコミュニティのために力を尽くしてくださったすべての皆様に、心から感謝いたします。 我々にできることは美味しいお料理を提供し皆様に笑顔になっていただくことに尽きるかと思いますが少しでも力を合わせてコミュニティのために何かできることはないかと意見を持ちより話し合い、今回は T シャツを制作、販売し売上を寄付させて頂くことを決めました。 オリジナル Tシャツは 今回ご参加いただきました店舗にて1枚 35ドルで数量限定販売をしておりますのでどうぞお食事の際にお手にとっていただけると光栄です。なお今回集まった支援金はLA Fire Department Foundationへ寄付をさせていただきます。 今後もプロジェクトに賛同いただいたレストランだけでなく、LA全体が一丸となり、より良い文化を創造し、日本食の素晴らしさを発信していけるよう努めてまいりますので、ご支援のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 LA Japanese Chefs Unite #LAjapaneseChefsUnite