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Sushikushi Bar is the place to be!

「”Sushikushi Bar is the place to be!”」Information/access

Store Name Sushikushi Bar is the place to be!
Phone Number 050-5593-9098
AddressUrban Jushita 1F, 581-2 Higashi 581-2, Shimo Uonotana-dori Aburakoji Higashi-iru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, JapanView Larger MapSearch for stores in the area
ParkingNo Coin-operated parking available nearby
Business HoursMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, days before and after holidays 16:00 – 01:00 L.O. 00:00
Regular Holiday0
Official Website
Review Score points
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