What is engawa in sushi?縁側

This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi engawa.
How to call engawa
【engawa】dorsal fin muscle in hirame or karei エンガワ 縁側
Engawa is not a separate fish, but refers to the bone that moves the fins of flounder and flounder. Therefore, it is characterized by a very chewy topping. There is a well-known theory that the name comes from its appearance, which resembles the porch of a Japanese house.
Unfortunately, there were no other names or regional names for Engawa.
The peak season for engawa

As I mentioned earlier, engawa refers to the fins of flounder or flounder. Therefore, the season for engawa means the season for flounder and flounder. The season for flounder is winter, and flounder caught especially between January and February is called “cold flounder,” which has the fattest and firmest flesh, is extremely delicious, and is sold at a high price as a high-class fish. is. On the other hand, the season for flounder varies depending on the type, but the season for Japanese flounder, which is often used as an ingredient for engawa, is from April to July.
From this information, we can see that the season for engawa varies depending on the region and annual climate. However, it is generally said that flounder engawa is most delicious in winter, and flounder engawa is most delicious in spring to early summer.