What is hatahata in sushi?ハタハタ

This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi hatahata.
How to call hatahata
【hatahata】sandfish ハタハタ
There is a theory that the name Hatahata originates from the onomatopoeic sound “bachi-bachi,” which is the sound of thunder.
In Akita Prefecture, Japan, the vague name Hadahada” is used due to the dialect. In Niigata Prefecture, it is called Shimaji, and in Tottori Prefecture, it is called Shirohata. In Japan, it has long been considered a fish that brings good luck, and in some regions, a local dish of salted sandfish calledShotzuru” is famous.
The peak season for hatahata

Sandfish season occurs twice a year.
Autumn to winter season: October to December
This is the time before spawning and the sandfish are storing up nutrients. Therefore, the meat has a lot of fat and is very delicious. Sandfish caught at this time of the year have fat on their flesh before the spawning season, and can be said to be in season.
Season from midwinter to early spring: January to May
This period is after spawning and is the time for sandfish to store nutrients for overwintering. As a result, their flesh becomes fat and fatty, and the surface of their bodies takes on a golden color, giving them names such as golden conger, matsutake conger, remand conger, and fallen conger. The sandfish caught at this time of year are the females that have buriko (ovaries), and the eggs are thick and delicious.
Sandfish is mainly produced in western Japan, including the south of the Kii Peninsula in Wakayama Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and Nagasaki Prefecture. In particular, Akashi Port and Awaji Island are quite famous for producing sandfish.
Sandfish is a nutritious fish, and you can enjoy its deliciousness to the fullest by eating it when it’s in season.