What is iwashi in sushi?鰯

This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi iwashi.
How to call iwashi
【iwashi】sardine イワシ 鰯
The name sardine comes from the Japanese word yawashi”, which comes from the Japanese wordyawashi”, because sardines tend to rot easily and are weak when brought ashore. There are mainly three types of sardines that are handled in Japan: sardines, Japanese sardines, and anchovies. Sardines are widely distributed in foreign countries. Another name is “murasaki” in an old Japanese word. The Russian word for sardine, “ivasi,” is derived from the Japanese word.
The peak season for iwashi
The season for sardines varies depending on the type. There are three main types of sardines caught in Japan:
True sardines: Their distinctive feature is that they have a blue back and about 7 to 8 black dots lined up in a pattern. The season is from the rainy season to early winter, especially from June to October.
Japanese sardine: It looks as if its eyes are moist, and its eyes are larger than those of true sardine. The season is said to be during the cold season and from summer to early fall, especially from October to February.
Anchovy: This is a small sardine, reaching only 10cm in length even as an adult, and its lower jaw is so small that only the upper jaw is visible when its mouth is closed. The season is early summer and summer, especially from September to January.
These sardines are found all over Japan except Okinawa, so they can be found all over the country and can be seen in season in each region. However, it is said that there is no clear season for sardines, and the seasons in which they are caught in abundance vary depending on the region. Therefore, we have introduced the times when it is generally considered to be delicious.