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【madai】What is madai in sushi?真鯛


What is madai in sushi?真鯛


This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi madai.

How to call madai

【madai】sea bream; see “tai” マダイ 真鯛

Among the many species of sea bream, this red sea bream is known as the most major type of sea bream. Like other fish, red sea bream has different names depending on its size and region. In some areas, it is simply called tai,” and in other areas, it is calledbig sea bream, hondai, and tai no yuu.” Although it is a little different from its other name, Thailand is also known by the nicknames King of Fish” andKing of Hundred Fish”, just like the “yellow diamond” of herring roe.

The peak season for madai


There are two seasons for red sea bream: spring and autumn. Specifically, the season is from January to June, from before spawning to the end of spawning, and around autumn. Also, depending on the season and region, it is sometimes called Sakura Tai” orMomiji Tai”. Red sea bream caught during these periods store a lot of fat and nutrients in their bodies, so they are large, fatty, and have moderately elastic flesh and are rich in nutrients. In order to enjoy the delicious red sea bream to its fullest, it is best to aim for this season.


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