What is makajiki in sushi?真カジキ

This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi makajiki.
How to call makajiki
【makajiki】blue marlin マカジキ 真カジキ
The true marlin is a fish that belongs to the Sailfish family and is characterized by its large, pointed bill. In some regions of Japan, it is called “marlin tuna,” but it is not exactly a species of tuna. The true marlin is known to have several other names, including “Omarin” in Fukushima Prefecture, “Nairanbou” in Chiba Prefecture, and “Nairage” in Kochi Prefecture. By the way, the aforementioned “marlin tuna” is the name it is called in the Kanto area of Japan.
The peak season for makajiki

The season for marlin is from autumn to winter. It is distributed throughout the year, but it seems to be most common around February. The main production areas are Chiba and Shizuoka prefectures. The true marlin caught at this time of the year stores a lot of fat and nutrients in its body, so its body is large, fatty, and its flesh has just the right amount of elasticity and is rich in nutrients. In order to enjoy the delicious true marlin to its fullest, it is best to aim for this season.