What is mebaru in sushi?眼張

This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi mebaru.
How to call mebaru
【mebaru】rockfish メバル 眼張
Rockfish has been considered an auspicious fish in Japan since ancient times, and is popularly known as the spring-telling fish.” There are mainly three types of rockfish: white rockfish, black rockfish, and red rockfish. As you can see, different names are used depending on the color of the rockfish, but each name also has its own name depending on the region. White rockfish is calledAo-Aoji,” black rockfish Kuro,” and red rockfish is calledAka-kin or Oki rockfish.” In Japan, rockfish generally refers to “Akamebaru”.
The peak season for mebaru

Rockfish season is generally considered to be from spring to early summer. In particular, the period from February to May is said to be the most delicious. However, the best season for rockfish varies somewhat depending on the region and type of rockfish.
Rockfish store nutrients in their bodies in order to spawn, so the period when they have the most nutrients is when they are at their most delicious, or “in season.” Rockfish are ovoviviparous fish, meaning that after fertilization, they hatch inside the body and raise them to the state of larvae, before giving birth. During this spawning period, rockfish’s bellies become very large.
In addition, rockfish is a fish that can be boiled, grilled, or fried, and has a mild taste. Therefore, it is used in various dishes.