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【sake】What is sake in sushi?鮭


What is sake in sushi?鮭


This time, I looked into the various names and seasons for sushi sake.

How to call sake

【sake】salmon サケ 鮭

There are many species in the Salmonidae family, to which salmon belong. Itou, char, pink salmon, and satsukimasu are sometimes collectively called “salmon,” so in some regions salmon is called “chum salmon” to avoid confusion. In addition, “Shake”, which is often said in Japan, is the name given to salmon in regions where it becomes cloudy. There are also local names such as Inumasu” andShiro”, and the characteristic is that the names are used differently depending on the season of salmon. Toxirazu, mejika, and other salmon are called “akizake” when they are fat and most delicious.

The peak season for sake


The season for salmon varies depending on the type, but it is generally considered to be from autumn to winter. However, it is said that the “tasting season” for salmon is from spring to early summer. Below is a summary of the main types of salmon and their seasons.

White salmon (autumn salmon): September to November
Time salmon (Toxirazu): May to July
Sockeye salmon: Late May to August
Coho salmon: April to July
King Salmon: April to June
Trout Salmon: June to August


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