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The skin beautifying effects vary depending on the sushi toppings you choose⁉ Effects of each topping

Sea urchin, salmon roe, and tuna…everyone loves sushi! In fact, the skin beautifying effects will vary depending on the ingredients you choose. What effect does each topic have? When you eat sushi, please try the toppings I will introduce below. Take the plunge and try some of the foods you’ve hated until now.


By topic! Create beautiful skin with sushi

Sea urchin, salmon roe, and tuna…everyone loves sushi! The skin beautifying effects will vary depending on the ingredients you choose.
When you eat sushi, please try the toppings I will introduce below.
Take the plunge and try some of the foods you’ve hated until now.

Conger eel and sea urchin that prevent most skin problems!

Sea urchin

Conger eel and sea urchin are very rich in vitamin A.
Vitamin A protects the skin and mucous membranes and keeps the skin moist.
It also protects your skin from UV rays, preventing many skin problems such as dryness, sunburn, age spots, and wrinkles caused by UV rays.

*Vitamin A is fat-soluble and accumulates in the body. You have to be careful about taking too much or too little. Especially if you are pregnant, please be careful not to eat too much.

For dullness, use tuna and horse mackerel.

We all know that blue-backed fish contain a lot of EPA and DHA, and that they have the effect of making the blood thinner.
Keeping the blood smooth is one of the essential factors for creating beautiful skin.
Blood reaches every corner of your body, and by delivering fresh oxygen, you can improve the dullness of your skin.

If you have a pale complexion, it may be because blood and oxygen are not flowing to every detail, so try eating blue fish.
Also, when you eat EPA and DHA with garlic, you can expect an even better blood thinning effect!

To prevent stains, use salmon roe, salmon, and shrimp.

Salmon roe, salmon, and shrimp are must-eats because they contain astaxanthin, a red pigment with strong antioxidant properties.

In the upcoming season when you are concerned about UV rays, please eat as much as possible as it will prevent stains from forming.
Salmon roe in particular is rich in vitamin A, so like conger eel and sea urchin, it prevents skin problems.

*When you eat sushi, you are concerned about calories. but it’s okay! Please keep the following points in mind when deciding what to eat.

■Shellfish and white fish ⇒ Relatively low in calories.
■Blue fish and salmon roe ⇒ High in calories.
■Eggs ⇒They have higher calories than blue fish or salmon roe, so please be careful.

Foreign woman with beautiful skin

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