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Calorie list for all sushi! What are high-calorie and low-calorie sushi ingredients?

Sushi is a diet-friendly food, so we have summarized the calories in sushi in a table! Compare high-calorie and low-calorie sushi ingredients to find ways to eat sushi while on a diet. Please note that cooking methods and sizes vary depending on the store, so please use this as an average value.


Sushi is easy to control calories and is suitable for dieting.

Diet low calorie

Seasoned rice and raw neta. This simple combination can basically be said to be a dish that you can safely eat even while on a diet. Because sushi is made directly from the ingredients, knowing the tips on how to eat it will make it possible to control calories even more!

So this time, we will introduce the calories of nigiri sushi depending on the type of sushi.

What are the calories in sushi and the amount of food in terms of calories?

woman eating sushi

First, some basic knowledge. The amount of “sushi rice” used in sushi is approximately 20g. The calorie content of the “sushi rice” portion per serving is 32 kcal. Considering that one cup of rice weighs 150 to 200g, if you are eating sushi per meal, you should aim for less than 10 pieces of sushi.

(*The amount of rice, the size of the toppings, and the amount of fat applied vary greatly depending on the restaurant and season, so these are just standard values.)

Furthermore, since sushi toppings are added on top of the sushi toppings, the average amount per serving of sushi is 37 to 85 Kcal (according to the calorie table below). In other words, if there are two pieces on a plate at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, etc., each plate will have 70 to 170 Kcal, so if you are on a diet, it would be a good idea to keep it to around five pieces (10 pieces).

By the way, if you compare sushi rice alone, pressed sushi such as chirashi sushi, futomaki sushi, and Osaka sushi have a slightly higher amount of sugar, and if you compare one serving of sushi rice alone, it will be about 20 kcal more.

Also, when comparing nigiri sushi and chirashi sushi (one serving each), chirashi sushi has more calories! This is because chirashi sushi has sweeter sushi rice seasoning, and the toppings on top tend to be sweeter as well. It’s a good idea to keep this in mind as the calorie content for one serving varies between about 500kcal for nigiri and 650kcal for chirashi.

However, compared to other eating out menus, sushi dishes are relatively low in calories. It’s one of the delicacies that you can safely eat even when you’re trying to control your calories. Sushi is such a delightful low-calorie delicacy, but let’s compare the calories!

[Calorie table for sushi] What are the high calorie sushi ingredients?

Nigiri sushi is basically a low-calorie food eaten out, but it may be a little premature to think that you won’t gain weight by eating sushi. If you’re a dieter, you’ll want to know the difference in calories, so let’s check out the relatively high-calorie (51kcal or more) ingredients in nigiri sushi.

Conger eel (salt/sauce)…61kcal/70kcal (per serving, same below)

My sardines…65kcal

Eel (kabayaki)…76kcal

Bonito (autumn catch)…57kcal



How much…73kcal

Masaba (raw)…62kcal


pacific saury…79kcal

Shimaji (farmed)…53kcal

Madai (farmed)…61kcal

Madai (natural)…53kcal



Flounder (farmed)…51kcal

Yellowtail (adult)…71kcal

Yellowtail (hamachi, farmed)…70kcal

Lean tuna (hontuna, shibi)…51kcal

Tuna (hontuna, shibi)…84kcal

Indian tuna (southern tuna)…85kcal

Bluefin tuna…55kcal

Kuruma shrimp…57kcal

Sea urchin…56kcal

Tamagoyaki (Nigiri)…62kcal

Kanpyomaki (1/2 piece)…90kcal
The calorie content of each piece of sushi itself is never too high, but if you eat ten pieces of sushi toppings from this relatively high-calorie group, it will still be high in calories.

I also want to pair it with low-calorie sushi!

[Calorie list for sushi] What are low calorie sushi ingredients?

In addition to high-calorie toppings, you should also combine relatively low-calorie toppings (less than 50 kcal).

Well…50kcal (per serving. Same hereafter)







Flounder (natural)…47kcal

Albacore tuna…50kcal

Indian red tuna (southern tuna)…46kcal

Bigeye tuna…48kcal


Steamed abalone…46kcal







Looks good…44kcal


Steamed shrimp (black tiger)…44kcal

Snow crab…41kcal

King crab…41kcal

Kouika (sumiika, maika)…42kcal

Squid squid, squid…45kcal

Madako (boiled)…47kcal

Madako (raw)…43kcal

Mantis shrimp…47kcal


Tamagoyaki only…32kcal
If your favorite toppings are low in calories, you can rest assured!

How to eat and choose sushi while on a diet

Many people have probably noticed that the calorie content of sushi varies greatly depending on the type of sushi.

・In terms of nutrition, don’t just eat the same foods
・As a guideline for calories, aim for around 10 pieces so you don’t eat too much.
These two points should be kept in mind.

There are so many different types that I can’t remember them all! If so, it may be helpful to remember the following points.

How to memorize low-calorie sushi ingredients and their characteristics

All seafood other than fish, such as shellfish, crab, shrimp, squid, and octopus, are low in calories and safe. As for fish, any light white fish is low in calories.

How to remember high-calorie sushi ingredients and their characteristics

Fish that is rich and melts in your mouth when you eat it is high in fat and calories. Fish fat contains healthful ingredients, so you should eat it in moderation, but in terms of calories, you’ll want to avoid eating only fatty fish. Also, avoid fish eggs” such as sea urchin and salmon roe are relatively high in calories, so it is important not to eat too many of them in a row.conger eel” that has sweet sauce on it. In addition,

What are some tips for enjoying sushi while on a diet? Let’s maintain a good diet while enjoying delicious sushi!

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